After learning that there are regions outside controlling the Big Brother voting system, Tayo was scared and his morale to play the Big Brother game diminished. This was from the moment he heard Ellah campaigning asking East Africa to vote for her and the friend Trezagah.
Sharing with Big Brother in his Diary session on Tuesday, Tayo said that he thought they are playing the game for Africa not the regions they come from. His worry is triggered by the fact that some region especially his are disadvantaged when it comes to country votes which might see him walk out of the house yet he deserves to win. He adds that, if other people from Nigeria have won before, it shouldn’t affect his game as he never touched even a single penny of their prize money.
Raising his issue with Biggie, Tayo said that he didn’t feel good that even fellow housemates are viscid to the regional mentality and they campaign in that line. However,after talking to Biggie he calmed down after telling him that it is Africa with the final say.
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