
Friday, October 31, 2014

Frankie Has No Goitse On His Mind Yet!

For those who thought that the Frankie-Goitse talks will result into a romantic thing, you have to sit, think and pray again! Apparently, it is confirmed from the horse’s mouth  that there will be no nothing.   During his diary session this afternoon, when asked  about his relationship with the female housemates and if he has  any romantic feelings for any, Frankie said...
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JJ & Sheillah fight!

JJ‘s team is at again, fighting each other instead of concentrating on the task at hand just like the other team. In the late afternoon, JJ as HoH and ‘leader’ of his team (A), tried getting members to work because according to him, immunity was at stake yet some people were not carrying their weight.   As if JJ’s suggestion was that bad, a giggling Sheillah said that she...
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Moving on with Laveda

After being evicted from the Big Brother house last Sunday, Laveda feels that the reason she was voted out is because she was such a strong contestant and the other housemates were afraid of being outshone by her. She was most surprised by Luis nominating her as she felt close to him in the house and hopes it wasn’t personal.   The Tanzanian lass has a lot of music out already and...
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Alusa still riding high

Kenya is finally out of Big Brother Africa contest after Melvin Alusa became the first male housemate and second Kenyan to be evicted from Big Brother Hotshots on Sunday. Alusa’s departure means that there are no more Kenyan housemates left to compete for the $300,000 (about Sh30 million) prize, after his compatriot Sabina Anyango left last week.   What really hurts is how on the coldest...
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Frankie & Permithias talk Tayo

After having a relaxed early afternoon all to themselves, Frankie and Permithias got dirty as they discussed the current state of affairs in Tayo‘s game and life in the Big Brother house. the duo  talked about the Nigerian’s temper with Frankie saying that he now spoke to him on a different level adding that Tayo’s power in the house had reduced after the evictions of Lilian and Esther ‘Small...
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Dissecting JJ-Butterphly standoff

JJ continues to prove that he’s the ‘control freak’ housemates have labelled and some of his Team A members are not happy with the way he’s handling matters in their team. Just like the previous few weeks which were characterized by power struggles especially in teams he belonged to, the same spirit seems to be back and haunting Team A.   According Butterphly, JJ is at it...
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Hotshots’ hairstyles, it is for attention?

For the past few weeks, we’ve seen housemates going an extra mile to look a little different especially when it comes to their hairstyles. The likes of Sheillah took the initiative and went bald last week, Tayo shaves the sides of his head and Ma’m Bea helps him with turning his top hair into locks, as for Luis he has the weirdest hairstyle according to Frankie.   It’s actually not only...
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Butterphly Mad At JJ!

Butterphly was very upset when JJ dismissed her work, telling her that they would not use it in their Extravaganza performance. Whilst making his way to the diary room , JJ was heard saying that he had completed the script and the songs to go with it. His team-mates were not to worry about a thing!   During a group meeting, JJ had assigned Butterphly the task to write the introduction...
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The Night Dancers

Macky2 and Trezagah both requested in the diary room that Biggie play their own music, as well as JJ’s, Kacey Moore’s and Frankie’s.   The guys had made this request before and Biggie had said he would see what he could do. Unexpectedly, late in the night, Biggie played some music and to the surprise of the artists in the house, their music was played.   JJ’s song played and...
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Thursday, October 30, 2014

And Trezagah Gets A Massage!

As  everything was happening in the house,  people realising that they had gone for the wrong one, Trezagah was  getting a Mam Bea treat. Yesterday afternoon Mam scuicidely decided give Trezagah a massage which he was craving for.   For the first time in the Big Brother house, we saw a very professional and non-seductive massage  and Trezagah seemed to have  enjoyed...
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A back rub for JJ

Yesterday morning shortly after taking part in an intense stretching exercise in the garden, housemates looked worn out as they slowly crawled back into the house and either showered or rested on their beds to recuperate.   While in the bedroom, a seemingly tired  JJ lay his bed chatting up with Permithias and Samantha. JJ who’d wrapped only a  towel around his waist later...
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Is It Becoming A Boys’ Camp?

It is pretty much disheartening to watch six ladies leave the Big Brother House when the men are comfortably enjoying Biggie’s fancy house and its environment.   The last time I checked out the voting community, I realized ladies do vote more than the men. Basing on that, I happen to ask” Are ladies not supporting fellow ladies or it turned the other way round and men took over?” We...
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‘JJ affected my game’ – Samantha

In as much as flirting is fun, it’s sometimes taken seriously by one of the parties and when things don’t turn out as expected, tensions arise as drama unfolds thereafter.   This is the kind of scenario that seems to have befallen our very own Hotshots Samantha and JJ. Samantha shared with Biggie during her diary last evening that JJ had affected her game because he wanted something...
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Macky2 AND Sipe Getting Close

The creative spirit was still alive in the housemates as they gathered in the bedroom writing and sharing poetry. Kacey Moore, Ellah, Luis,Butterphly, Goitse and Arthur started a poetry writers’ club and poured out their emotions penned in creative verse.Arthur’s poem hinged on his worry about the evictions on Sunday and was titled “If tomorrow comes”. Luis shyly admitted that he was new to poetry...
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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

It’s The Lovers’ Time

The romance between Nhlanhla and Sheillah was most certainly blooming as they started talking about marriage and joking that they would give speeches at one another’s weddings.   Sheillah said that if she had to give a speech at his wedding she would say that Nhlanhla was a great guy with vision in his life and that his philosophical views would save the marriage, finishing off with: “continue...
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Back To The Winning Spree

It was a moment filled with suspense, but the housemates delivered a successful task presentation winning another 100% wager, and they definitely needed it after the blow of last week’s loss.   The Hotshots had been tasked with creating a stomp performance with a specific look and feel and including instruments they had made themselves and used to create an original score....
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Idris-Samantha, love brewing?

Interestingly, love (or are we over exaggerating?) is something that can never be forced as it just happens to people when it’s least expected. It’s also a coincidence that initially, Idris was interested in Goitse but she never returned the love, the same thing seems to have happened to JJ who likes Samantha to bits but she’s made it clear that she’s not interested.   It turns...
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Trezagah Names Top 5 Hotshots!

Is it too early or it is that time of  the game when people can spot the potential top five finalists?  Well, if it is still early for you as the viewers and  voters, Trezagah already has his potential five finalists. When asked  by Big Brother this afternoon during his diary session for the people he  thinks that will make  it to the top 5, the Mozambican rapper...
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Tayo at it again

Reigning HoH JJ has been perceived as a ‘control freak’ even before he won the coveted HoH crown and it seems his leadership skills and techniques are rubbing up on some housemates the wrong way. Ever since he took over from Nhlanhla on Monday, JJ has been involved in all the activities in the house not mentioning rehearsals for various tasks.   However, his perceived ordering around...
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Task: Getting The Stompers’ Look

In light of the performance of Wednesday’s task, Biggie gave housemates (both teams) all necessary props to ensure that they were more than enabled to produce a satisfactory performance of their task. At the end of the day, it was up to the housemates to make sure that they gave the task their all as they again wagered a 100%, despite a loss of the wager last week. The hotshots were clearly confident!  ...
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Is JJ Being Too Hard On Idris?

If you haven’t realized by now, today is really slow unless you want to read about child molesters and people shooting others in South Africa. I’m not down with that. However, I am pretty down with JJ‘s treat for  Idris. We all know that JJ likes Samantha to death, we again know that Idris and Samantha are so close and JJ thinks they have a thing, we also know that JJ is the current HOH,...
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Hotshots urged to act

Actor/director Clint Brick’s presence in Big Brother house is all about equipping housemates with acting skills and it seems they are always anxious to learn a thing or two from the experienced actor. This morning, he dropped by, made his himself comfortable in the lounge as he waited for the sleepy heads to join him. He grabbed a cup of coffee and placed printed pieces on the table. Among the...
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Live Updates: DAY 24

20:40 The dancing is followed by a pillow fight in the lounge.  20:20 Music in the house gets the housemates moving.  20:00 It's pizza night in the house, courtesy of Biggie for winning their wager.  19:40 Another 100% wager win for the housemates!  19:19 Housemates set up their stage and then head back inside to wait for the show to start.  19:00 Big...
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‘Big Brother was lenient’ – Macky2 on Idris

Idris may well be on the right path to completing his 48 hours punishment after damaging Biggie’s door last week but it seems some housemates are not contented with the kind of penalty Big Brother issued to the Tanzanian lad.   “Big Brother was lenient. One has to have self control and be responsible for what you do in the house,” Macky2 vented to Biggie during his Diary session yesterday. ...
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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Luis All Over Mira

It appeared that Luis was falling deeper and deeper for Mira by the day. This was ironic seeing as the Mozambican belle was long gone, but never forgotten apparently.   After forming a whirlwind romance with Luis, Mira fell out of the game when she was one of the first housemates to be evicted from the house. Luis shed real tears when his beau was sent packing, traumatised that a love...
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‘He deserved it’ – Goitse on Idris

After letting out all his outrage on Big Brother’s door last week over Goitse‘s perceived cold shoulder, Idris received his punishment from Biggie yesterday afternoon which includes being at the beck and call of the HoH and Big Brother for the next 48 hours!   His punishment has been received with mixed feelings from housemates with most of them saying that he deserved it while others...
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