Lilian, Age: 22
Known as 'Sexy Lily' to her friends, Lillian entered Big Brother Hotshots for "the platform it provides, the publicity that comes with it and the money" she says.
She's not willing to sell herself short to win the grand prize. If she does win, she'll invest in her talk show, which she explains is about "helping upcoming talent".
Lilian's favourite foods are rice and plantain and she enjoys watching Baggage on TV and listening to 2Face Idibia. Her favourite movies include Think Like A Man, Friends With Benefits and Twelve Years A Slave. Her favourite actor is Angelina Jolie.
Her favourite place in Nigeria is Lagos, and is proud of Africa for the diverse cultures. She'd also like to visit Hollywood for the many career opportunities there. Lillian looks up to Oprah Winfrey and her mother for their strength.
She says her mother inspired her "because she has always believed in me and encouraged me to follow my dreams". She describes herself as "spontaneous and confident" and says her best assets are that she's ambitious, a good listener, competitive and original.
Sexy Lily prefers chilling with the boys. She says housemates will like her because she's very friendly and knows how to make people happy. She also says she can be very annoying too.
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