Here are all the answers to the questions you may have to the new season of Big Brother Africa.
1. Why is AfricaMagic screening BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8?
Due to the demand for another BIG BROTHER AFRICA series, AfricaMagic has decided to screen the eighth season of the show.
2. How will BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 be different from previous seasons of Big Brother Africa?
As with all Big Brother series, the new season of Big Brother Africa will include surprises and unexpected innovations.
3. Which are the participating countries in BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8?
Angola, Botswana, Ghana, Ethiopia, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Kenya, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
4. Why isn’t my country included in BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8? Why is the show only limited to 14 countries? What are the qualifications to make a country part of the show?
BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 will include 14 countries this year (Angola, Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe).
The countries are selected to participate in the series based on the popularity of the series format in those markets, as well as the large DStv subscriber bases established in these markets.
AfricaMagic greatly appreciates the support that the series receives in other markets and so will work to include those markets into the show in other ways, outside of having a Housemate in the house. This means that audiences from across the continent can vote on the series, and that performers and special guests from their countries may be included in the series.
Further AfricaMagic extends its thanks to all viewers of the series across the continent for their loyalty. Big Brother has enjoyed a wide popularity across the continent and AfricaMagic is pleased that it draws support from Africans across borders and outside of the nationalities represented. This serves to highlight that Africans support other Africans regardless of where they live or what their nationality is. Finally, please do make sure that you tune to AfricaMagic Entertainment and DStv channels 197&198 on Sunday May 26 when BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 kicks off!
5. How long will BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 last?
BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 is scheduled to begin on Sunday May 26, 2013 and will run for 91 days. The BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 Final is scheduled for Sunday August 25, 2013.
6. What is the prize for the winner of BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8?
The prize for the winner of the series is USD 300 000.
7. Where is BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 being filmed?
BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 will be filmed on location in South Africa.
8. Why is BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 being filmed in South Africa?
To ensure that a wide variety of countries can participate in BIG BROTHER AFRICA, AfricaMagic made the decision to base the BIG BROTHER AFRICA house in South Africa. This ensures that AfricaMagic can invest more in the show’s production without having to contend with the higher logistics costs that arise when the show equipment moves location. However, the show will feature content from all of the participating countries.
9. Why did AfricaMagic ask people from my country to enter and to watch this show that I regard as immoral?
Research has shown that previous seasons of Big Brother Africa were widely watched throughout the continent. Further the choice to enter the show and the choice to view the show is an individual one.
10. Who is the host of BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8?
The host of BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 will be IK Osakioduwa (IK) who has previously been featured on Studio 53, Comedy Club and Temptation Nigeria. He has also hosted 4 previous seasons of Big Brother Africa – Big Brother Revolution, Big Brother All Stars, Big Brother Amplified and Big Brother StarGame. His experience with both live television and a variety of entertainment formats makes him a highly suitable candidate to host a series that is screened across the continent.
11. Where can I watch BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8?
BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 will be screened live 24/7 for 91 days on DStv channels 197 and 198. GOtv audiences will also be able to watch highlights from the show. More info on screening times and channels will be announced closer to the show’s launch on Sunday May 26.
12. Will Nigerian audiences still have to ‘opt in’ to watch the 24/7 BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 channels on DStv?
Yes. Information on how this will work will be made available shortly.
13. Who is producing BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 for AFRICAMAGIC?
The show will be produced for AFRICAMAGIC by ENDEMOL SA.
14. What is MultiChoice Africa's role in BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8?
MultiChoice Africa is not producing BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8. MultiChoice Africa provides subscription services to the multi-channel, digital, pay-TV products DStv and GOtv on which BIG BROTHER AFRICA is shown.
15. What are the rules of BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8?
A rule-book is being finalised and will be distributed once completed. General rules will include - no contact with the world outside the Big Brother House, strictly no violence and an obligation to nominate fellow housemates for eviction.
16. Can DStv audiences restrict access to BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8 in their homes?
Programming for Big Brother including the 24 hour channel (channels 197 and 198) will have restricted access through the parental guide functionality on the DStv decoder – so parents will be able control viewing of Big Brother.
17. When do Housemates move into the House?
Housemates will start to enter the Big Brother house from Sunday, May 26, 2013.
18. Will I be contacted about my entry?
AfricaMagic would like to thank all those people who submit entry forms for consideration in this year’s BIG BROTHER AFRICA housemate search. Without your enthusiasm for the series, it would be impossible to create it so your participation is greatly appreciated. However AfricaMagic wishes to advise all entrants that given the sheer volume of entries the show receives, it is unfortunately not possible to respond to every entry individually. Only if your entry is shortlisted for the show will you be contacted by the show’s production team.
19. Other than the USD 300 000 won by the winner, do the runners up win anything?
Usually, only the last person in the house wins the prize money. However, in previous Big Brother series the runners up were also awarded prizes such as holidays but there are no guarantees.
20. Who is eligible to enter BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8?
Anyone 21 years of age and older, who is a citizen of one of the 14 participating countries and in possession of a valid passport (or will have one by March 2013), is able to enter. The show’s selection team was looking for Housemates who are vocal, fluent in English, fun-loving, creative, original and articulate. Housemates are also expected be tolerant of views and lifestyle choices other than their own and must have the social flexibility to live in close proximity with others.
21. What can Housemates bring into the House?
Housemates are given a rulebook stating exactly what kind of items they can bring into the house. However no electronic equipment can be taken into the house. Big Brother will go through what housemates are taking into the house with them and reserves the right to remove any item/s that has been excluded as per the rulebook.
22. How much stuff can a Housemate bring to the House?
Two suitcases. No clothing with prominent logos or labels will be allowed.
23. Are Housemates allowed any contact at all with their families’ e.g. written correspondence?
No verbal or written communication is allowed with anyone outside the House, unless a Housemate has an urgent family crisis and this is still subject to Big Brother’s discretion.
24. What happens if a Housemate falls ill while in the house?
In the event of a Housemate becoming ill, they will be given first aid or may have a nurse or doctor called in to attend to them. If their condition is serious, they will be admitted to a hospital accompanied by a member of the production staff and security personnel as it is strictly within the conditions of Big Brother to maintain minimal contact with the outside world. However should their illness mean that they have to be away from the house for a long period it is unlikely that Big Brother will allow them to return.
25. Who is Big Brother?
Nobody knows, but he sets the rules for the house, and you want to be on his good side at all times whilst staying in the house.
26. What kind of tasks will be assigned to the Housemates?
All tasks are reasonable, and involve team play. They are for Big Brother to know, and for Housemates to find out, but Housemates will never be asked to perform anything outside acceptable ethical and moral standards.
27. How do the Housemates get food provisions in the house?
Housemates are given a healthy daily allowance of basic foods. This diet includes vegetables, carbohydrates such as rice and maize meal, meat, poultry and fruit. Anything outside these foods is regarded as a luxury item, and may be ordered from a special shopping list provided by Big Brother. All meals in the house will have to be negotiated and agreed with by the other housemates.
28. Are Housemates allowed to leave the Big Brother house if it gets too much?
Housemates are free to leave at any stage during the process, on the understanding that they cannot return and may be replaced by someone else. A minimum of 24 hours notice is normally requested by Big Brother to make departure arrangements. Housemates will be obliged to provide a reason for their exit to Big Brother in the diary room.
29. Are Housemates locked into the BIG BROTHER AFRICA House?
All doors to the outside are locked, yes, but Housemates are free to leave at any stage as long as they explain why and understand that once out of the House they cannot return. Big Brother can open the doors at a moment’s notice in the event of an emergency.
30. Will Big Brother keep Housemates’ families updated while they are in the house?
Big Brother will have contact with their family should it be necessary due to illness or other arrangements but Housemates may not request anything from their family nor request any messages to be passed on to their family.
31. How are Housemates expected to behave in the house?
The Big Brother House is their home for the duration of their stay. Therefore they are expected to behave as naturally as they would in their own environment.
32. Will the cameras expose Housemates when they are using the toilet facility?
Housemates will not be shown using the toilet facility. However, should this facility be used for any other purpose other than that what it is designed (e.g. conversations); it’s at Big Brothers discretion to use the footage.
33. Will Housemates be allowed to practice their religion?
It is one of the prerequisites of joining the house that all members are tolerant, and any practices housemates wish to follow will be tolerated.
34. Will Housemates see no one for three months except the housemates?
This is correct except for a psychologist, doctor or dentist should they request or require one. In certain instances, Housemates may be asked to entertain or host a special guest.
35. How big is the House?
The House has a large living space and two communal bedrooms and is attached to a spacious garden. It also has one large open plan living area, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, diary room and storeroom. There are only two communal bedrooms. Housemates will have to share. However the House may have sections incorporated into it that Big Brother may choose to reveal at his discretion.
36. Can Housemates buy stuff while in the house?
Housemates can only influence the group as to how they all should spend a communal budget. No individual purchases are allowed.
37. Do I have to enter with a partner for BIG BROTHER AFRICA 8?
No, the new season is only open to individual entries. You should not enter with a partner.
By AfricaMagic / DStv Online